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《居鑾在動》音樂節 Kluang Rockin Music Festival Ticket Design

Graphic Design
The Kluang RockIn’ Music Festival was organised by a fusion of arts and culture café that sells music instruments and offers music lessons on a daily basis. It is also the location where the music festival was held. As ukuleles are the major music instruments sold at the café, the design concept of the tickets were inspired from it with an inclusion of the elastic bands. It is not only representing the string found in the ukulele, but also help to extend the interaction and engagement with the attendees. The Alphabet Press (TAP) — a dedicated bespoke letterpress stationery maker that is pioneering the letterpress print renaissance in Malaysia, was chosen to collaborate in making the idea a reality. Simply because, the texture and the tactile quality of a letterpress print help to elevate the collecting value of the tickets.
Activities Kluang RockIn’ is the first music festival held in Kluang, the south of Malaysia. It is organised by Anke Uke — arts and culture café — founded by Asia’s renowned songwriter, Ruiye and his wife Goh Wei Wei, who graduated from Berkeley College of Music. Over the years since it was founded, Anke Uke has organised six unplugged music performances and a three-day event that is about street graffiti, open mic, live forum as well as mini concerts. Singers such as Aki Huang, Tangerine Wong, Will Wong, Ah Fei, Athena Beh, Vivian Chua and various music bands have participated throughout these irregular initiatives. Together with the artist autograph signing event of Bell, Jin, Amy Wang and Ke Qing organised by the record company, it has helped to elevate the overall quality and music appreciation in Kluang. It has successfully made Kluang an important stop for music campaigns by Malaysian artists, and it also helped drive local tourism market. In 2015, Kluang RockIn’ has invited 小城星電台 from Taiwan to perform in the music festival too.
From ink to paper, The Alphabet Press is a dedicated bespoke letterpress stationery maker that have revived the dying craft of letterpress printing in Malaysia. With no assistance of any magic formula, they have gracefully merged contemporary designs with the help of an old friend, a 1950’s German vintage printing press that blossoms beautiful hand-crafted stationary that undergoes a rigorous labour intensive process.

《居鑾在動》音樂節的主辦單位與活動地點是一間提供樂器販售、音樂教學的複合式藝文咖啡廳。店裏主要販售的樂器有ukelele,因此以ukelele的造型為設計概念,利用異材質(橡皮筋)去表現琴弦,增添互動性與趣味性。印刷技術部分找了馬來西亞有名的凸版印刷工作室 The Alphabet Press (TAP) 合作,選擇以強調質感與觸感的凸版印刷技術,提升門票的精緻度與收藏價值。
《居鑾在動》是馬來西亞南部-居鑾社區第一個音樂節,由亞洲著名寫詞人瑞業和伯克利音樂學院畢業的太太吳薇薇開設的藝文咖啡家Anke Uke發起,從 2013 年的六小場純彈唱演出,到 2014 年為期三天,集街頭塗鴉、脫口唱、論壇和演唱,參與歌手有Aki黃淑惠、王藍茵、黃威爾、阿Fei、馬嘉軒、蔡憶雯、異種樂隊等,加上常年下來不定時主辦的小藝文活動,和唱片公司聯辦宇田、薛炳進、王明麗、可晴簽唱會,實實在在地為居鑾引進更豐富的音樂素養,也成了馬來西亞歌手宣傳的南部要站,間接帶動在地旅遊。2015 年,居鑾在動更邀請台灣的小城星電台來演出。
The Alphabet Press (TAP) 原字印務是馬來西亞一家提供客製服務的活版印刷工作室,懷抱著對於復興活版印刷手藝的憧憬,並因應現代社會需要而改良了這門工藝,讓同時具有手工製作質感和現代美感的活版印刷成品,以更優美的姿態,回到我們的生活裡。


design : KF Lim (Limkfung)    /    print&photo : The Alphabet Press (TAP)    /    photo : Xjun Lee (Mocco)
《居鑾在動》音樂節 Kluang Rockin Music Festival Ticket Design

《居鑾在動》音樂節 Kluang Rockin Music Festival Ticket Design

