The photograph was taken in July 18th, 2015. The scene takes place in my garden’s home. In the photo we can see two feet wearing red-ballet shoes. These are my feet. I’m trying, badly, to perform a ballet pose called ‘troisième position’ or third position.
The feet are localized in the middle of the picture, at the top there is the sky, a blue-cloudy sky. At the bottom we can see the rocky road of my garden. On the left side there is, out of focus, a reddish plant and the big tree of my neighborhood, in the other hand, in the right side there is a red car and three big palms. In the foreground is localized the, before mentioned, road; and in the background the cloudy sky.
I took this picture because it recreates one of my passions, the ballet. For me the ballet, and the photo itself evokes freedom, self-knowledge, discipline and elegance. Also the ballet represents a life style to me, living with discipline, long stretching routines and taking in mind every singles muscle when you walk in your daily life.
When I look at the photo I feel proud, because a few years ago I would never be able to make a pose like that without external support, also I feel nostalgic and sad because that road was made 8-9 years ago and it’s very special for me ‘cause on it I have one of the last memories with my grandma, who died a less than a year later. Furthermore, I feel kind of excited because I know that the ballet it’s one of the hardest things in the world and the fact that I’ve tried it by my own, without any influence makes me feel proud of myself. I think that anyone who was ever been in Dance classes or ballet classes could feel like me, because they know how hard and how much time you have to spend on it.
The very first time I ever saw a ballet performance was in television, at age of 8, on the Film&Arts channel, I remember quite well which ballet was, Lake Swan. I remember that I was so fascinated for its positions and the way in how they used to move, how their thumbs could support all their weights and in meanwhile create so beautiful emotions on me through the stories; their faces were so expressive, without even a hint of pain or doubt. I was completely amazed. So, in order to be a formal ballerina, I started to practiced and search videos about it, even though I never became a formal ballerina, it became part of me, in the poses, the elegance in my movements and even the metabolism, I became a very thin and athletic girl; Also thanks to my “First steps” in the ballerina world, if you can call it like that, I started with yoga, something that I really love because it makes me feel synchronized with my body and mind, calm. Nowadays I still practice ballet, but by my own, no in an institute nor in a group, just as fun. Thanks to that decisions I became a much disciplined girl even in the school, also very controller; I really like everything symmetric, and in short words perfectly organized.
If everyone would practice, at least for a short period of time, something like the ballet a sport or a dance style, while maintaining a better quality of life, they could create habits of discipline and perseverance in whatever they want. Some people think that the ballet or a high-performance sport would be very hard for a little girl or just an under-age person, I’m not agree, at all. I think that this activities creates in the young people a huge amount of skills, just like discipline, passion or even interpersonal relationships, you meet a lot of people in that world. If I would be able to be a formal ballerina, I would like to create fascinate stories through my movements, to create emotions in the people, feelings that they’re not accustomed to feel.
I as a photographer, want to show that this kind of activities could impact deeper than adults would like to think, sometimes our parents think that we do them just like a trend or a waste of time, it is not in all the cases.
With this photo I want to empowered young people for practice new things, be intrepid, talk with strangers and search for a self-constructive activity, a happier life. Try to use their time in a better activity than stay in home, it is not bad sometimes, but the world is out there and we, the young, are who will change it, for better or worse.
This photograph was taken in July 30, 2015. The scene takes place in my house, specifically in my brother’s room. It was at night, which is why I was playing videogames. In the photo we can see three different devices. 
In the foreground we can see a Nintendo DS with the worldwide known videogame ‘The legend of Zelda’. In the center, behind the Nintendo DS, there is my computer with one of my favorite videogames, Caveman, which is a videogame originally made for the SNES console, but which can be emulated in a computer. Besides the computer we can see a Wii Controller. The devices are onto a brownish table. And I decided to add the vignette effect in order to create a nostalgic and old sensation.
I took this photo because it represents a strong part of my identity, I’m a person strongly connected with technology. I started playing videogames at age of 4, I received my first game when a friend of my aunt gave her a CD with games for an old console called SNES and since then showed a great ability to handle electronics and it becomes a passion to me. For me videogames represents part of my liberty and my intellect, when I was a kid I used to pass hours playing games like “Aladino” or “Where in time is Carmen Sandiego?” or just changing the configuration of the computers. I was born in the period of adaptation to technology, when computers and video games became part of everyday life.
When I look at the picture I felt very nostalgic, I remember how many times I got mad with my brother because of the computer. We used to spend hours adjusting the controls of the computer to play together.
I think that a lot of people could felt in that way, specially people a bit older than me, the frustration with the cassettes of the old Nintendo or the excitement when you bought a new videogame or a new console. I still play videogames, and I felt as excited as I used to felt. With videogames I was a dog, a princess, an emperor or even Daffy Duck.
I am who I am now in part by video games, I learned to be inquisitive and to solve problems with few alternatives, I learned battle strategies and history, and even I increased my manual skills. I think that video games can teach you more than some people, can teach values and show through fascinating stories how cruel or how beautiful can be the real world. 

If everyone had the opportunity of experience the closeness that I feel towards videogames, they would understand that they can live different lives without leaving your home that you can know the soul of a character and feel like it’s an old friend just by knowing his story and that the work of the people who create video games is more valuable than people want to think.
This photograph inspires me to continue playing video games, to continue knowing different characters and their well-planned lives, to continue supporting emerging artists who in an actual industry like the videogames are less likely to be seen.
If I would be able to be a programmer or a creator, I’d like to work with my team to instill in the children of the next generation the values that the old videogames instilled on me and try to search ways in which the videogames could be used in more places, just like schools.
Photo N°4:

Photo N°4:

Photo N°3 of my Photovoice Project, it talks about my experiences with the videogames and how much they have affected my relationships and my lif Read More
