Daniela Borja Kaisin's profile

PACARI - the best chocolate in the world

Pacari is my favourite brand of chocolate. They wanted to reflect all the stories behind the brand in a short and simple video.  Pacari's founder, Carla and their marketing team told me about the deep convinctions of Pacari. I felt in love with their passion, high quality and social commitment.
You can visit their website here and their fan page on facebook.
Creating the concept, the dialogues and illustrating the storyboard was a pleasure for me.
We animated this video with Andrés Zanipatini.
I want to thank Andrea Raza, who narrated the english version.
Here's the result in spanish.
And the english version.
PACARI - the best chocolate in the world

PACARI - the best chocolate in the world

Short and simple video for the best chocolate in the world.
