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Birmingham Road Safety Poster

Birmingham Road Safety Partnership Outdoor Media
BRSP tasked Zulu to produce a billboard to raise awareness of road safety in Birmingham
Zulu was asked by the Birmingham Road Safety Partnership to produce a billboard poster to raise awareness of the deadly distractions - in particularly mobile phones - which often appear when crossing roads.

Zulu set about to create a 'Now you see 'em, Now you don't' poster, photographing Birmingham's busy Broad Street in order to create a foundation for the artwork. The photo was digitally retouched in order to ensure the focus of onlookers centred around the principle components of the image. A blur filter was added to the second image, and overlaid with a hand operating a mobile phone, simulating the focus of the human eye.

The final poster effectively communicates how easy it is to miss read a situation such as crossing a road when distracted by a mobile phone, potentially leading to fatal consequences.

Birmingham Road Safety Poster

Birmingham Road Safety Poster

Zulu was asked by the Birmingham Road Safety Partnership to produce a billboard poster to raise awareness of the deadly distractions - in particu Read More


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