The Michigan Pub Crawl poster was made for a school project. It is a map composed of the top breweries in Michigan according to Most of the logos on the bottle caps were recreated into vector graphics in Adobe Illustrator.
This poster was designed as a final project reflecting an essay about the negativity of blood diamonds in Africa. The left hand side represents the beauty of diamonds while the right hand side represents the warfare associated with blood diamonds.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign
The Unforgiven horror movie poster was designed completely in Adobe Photoshop. Multiple layers give the design a scary grunge feel.
Software used: Adobe Photoshop
This poster was designed as a student project to advertise Cranbrook school's tours. It is composed of my original photographs taken on Cranbrook grounds.
Software used: Adobe Illustrator
Poster Design

Poster Design

This section is composed of a series of posters I have made throughout my schooling at the Art Institute
