Mariana Ikuta's profile

Doodles of New York: 100 days

"Doodles of New York" is an ongoing project detailing our experiences and inspirations since we moved into the city. We have been drawing, taking pictures, drawing over pictures and more.
We are really proud of seeing the project grow and being able to share with you our experience. This is a small compilation of the ones we like the most so far <3
We are going to keep posting daily doodles and new new projects. Check out our page!
Today is a new milestone for us, this is our 100th doodle!
Illustrator: Eric Pautz and Mariana Y Ikuta
Day: 08/07/2015
“I wonder, I wonder, in a place so full of marvels, how can it be that so many people choose to focus on the sorrow of the rain instead of the beauty of the rainbow?” — Tales Gonsalves
Illustrator: Eric Pautz
Day: 06/28/2015
“I was so inside myself that I just couldn’t see anything outside”
Bushwick - Open Studio

Illustrator: Mariana Yatsuda Ikuta
Day: 07/01/2015
“Yeah baby, as far as I’m concerned, this is how life was supposed to be.”

Central Park

Illustrator: Mariana Yatsuda Ikuta
Day: 07/06/2015
He looked up and there it was his answer. The connection once lost and the reason to go to the next step.
Bushwick - Open Studio

Illustrator: Mariana Yatsuda Ikuta
Day: 07/05/2015
When the sun is on its peak, he goes to the window and stares at the intensity of the flames that he will never ever be able to reproduce.

“How to compete?”


Illustrator: Mariana Y Ikuta
Day: 07/10/2015
“-Do you know where The Puss found his first pair of Boots? Right here ladies and gentleman, right on this spot he found it and life as we know it was changed forever!”

Illustrator: Mariana Y Ikuta
Day: 06/17/2015
Every morning, alone on the roof, Carla practiced tirelessly a new routine until her legs couldn’t stand and her eyes started to get blurry. Spinning, stretching and moving until perfection was achieved.  

Illustrator: Mariana Y Ikuta
“She actually looked at me! AT ME! It wasn’t through me.. she actually acknowledged my existence! It feels like I’m actually worth it now”
Illustrator: Mariana Yatsuda Ikuta
Day: 06/16/2015
When she put her foot on that place, all the colors on her started to melt and vanish from her body. It was as if the place was sucking her life through colors to give her a blank page to start all over again.Obviously it was terrifying and concomitantly AMAZING.
Bushwick - Open studios
Illustrator: Mariana Yatsuda Ikuta
Day: 06/25/2015
When Jordan opens his mouth, it is like materialized poetry. There is so much inside him.
Central Park

Illustrator: Mariana Yatsuda Ikuta
Day: 07/31/2015
She had a whole world inside her and exhaling it through words was her way of not feeling so alone.

Illustrator: Mariana Y Ikuta
Day: 06/29/2015

“She is still in that phase where she believes everything can have an incredible taste therefore there is no apprehensiveness to try anything new.  Everything and everyone seems interesting therefore she still wants to discover and learn all the time. The world still only shows her its best angles… oh well.. kids you know”.
Central Park

Illustrator: Mariana Yatsuda Ikuta
Day: 07/07/2015
Under a specific light, everything is different. Can you see?

Illustrator: Mariana Y Ikuta
Day: 07/29/2015
Our thank you doodle for 500 likes on our page

Illustrator: Mariana Y Ikuta and Eric Pautz
Day: 07/28/2015
Thank you for viewing and thank you for being part of our journey! <3
Doodles of New York: 100 days

Doodles of New York: 100 days

"Doodles of New York" is an ongoing project detailing our experiences and inspirations since we moved into the city. We have been drawing, taking Read More


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