“Feet Talk”
Acrylic on canvas

©Daniela Duc 2015

We can be amazed by how much our body can tell about ourselves, our dreams, hopes, past,present and future. Our emotions are let out whenever our feet stomp, dance or rest. They run away from what we fear the most and take us to where we belong. Words are never enough indeed. Let's pay attention to the footsteps of our hearts 'cause they'll lead us home.

This work is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process, nor may any other exclusive right be exercised, without the permission of Daniela Duc, Melbourne, Australia, 2015. If required please contact Daniela Duc on daniela_cud@hotmail.com.
Feet Talk

Feet Talk

We can be amazed by how much our body can tell about ourselves, our dreams, hopes, past,present and future. Our emotions are let out whenever our Read More


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