Spoon in Glass
The first of three graphite drawing assignments, with the subject being a still-life photo.
Graphite on 11x14 bristol
Mirrored Pyramid
The second of three graphite drawing assignments, with the subject being a still-life photo. 
Graphite on 11x14 bristol
Pear & Drapery
The third of three graphite drawing assignments, with the subject being a still-life photo.
Graphite on 11x14 bristol
This piece was published in Pulp City, my school's art and literary magazine, in the Spring 2014 issue.
Kitchen Table
The conclusion of the still life project in Design I was to do an acrylic painting.  At the time, I had not used acrylic paint in over 10 years, so I think it turned out fairly well.
Original is a 16x20 canvas.
Bottle in Red and Orange
My second Painting assignment - a dual-chrome study of a bottle against a background of drapery.
Acrylic on 12x16 canvas paper.
Bottle in Blue and Green
This is the project where I think I started getting a real handle on paint.  The assignment was the same as previously - a dual-chrome study of a bottle (though this is a different bottle, obviously) against a backdrop of drapery.  But I think I found a good balance here between naturalism and a painterly style.
Acrylic on 12x16 canvas paper.
Horse Skull with Bottle
The assignment here was the same as the previous painting - a still life using a restricted palette of primary colors with black and white.  I think this one turned out much better, although the composition is far more limited.
Acrylic on 12x16 canvas paper.
Connecticut River
My final project for Painting - based on a photo I took of the Connecticut River from the location of the Dinosaur Footprints.
Acrylic on canvas paper.  Original is 12x16.
Still Lifes

Still Lifes

Drawings and paintings of static objects or scenes.
