Here is a link to a project where we had to use the dubble diamond design method. In this project we had to observe the elderly to discover day to day problems that we could solve through design. (please note: some of the text is in dutch but you can still clearly see my process)
The link (to the blog) Shows my full design process and result of this project. 
Innowiz is a Design methodology that splits up the creative cycle into 4 different steps : Analysis , Genaration , Selection and Communication. Each of these steps can be repeated and also come with multiple tools so that one could use these to get a productive and well structured creative flow customized to each different challenge.
In my major in Innovation and use I also learned about various other tools which aid in creativity and problem solving. 
A few examples of these tools are: Triz40 , moreinspiration, patent research, trendwatching,...
Design process

Design process

An example of my design process
