Noch Vis, Noch Vlees
Series of Themed Pictographs
For the Dagen Zonder Vlees project, several journalists at the free newspaper Metro (Belgium) underwent the challenge to go meatless for 40 days and write about their experience in a weekly article. For this purpose, I designed a series of pictographs/illustrations to go alongside the articles.
As most people shy away from a plant-based diet, believing a meal cannot be complete without meat, I wanted to explore the likeness between meat and vegetables from a graphic point of view. For each published article, a new image was drawn.
Noch Vis, Noch Vlees refers to a dutch saying which could roughly be translated to Neither Fish Nor Fowl, meaning not easily categorized. By finding similarities in form and color, I was able to appose meat and vegetable in a single drawing, split by a thin line to show similarities and differences and playing on the choice we make to eat either one.
A hint of art direction: making the writers pose with a fruit or vegetable in a silly way.
Updated version: after its second year, it was time for a small update. Enclosing the illustration in a circle made it easier to place within a page, as well as allow it to overlap images
Meatless Metro


Meatless Metro

Series of themed icons for Metro (Belgium) articles about going meatless for 40 days.
