Orlando Arocena's profile

FANTASTIC FOUR / DR. DOOM vector tribute

I've always been a big fan of the Fantastic Four and its main nemesis- Dr. DOOM.
I think what attracts me most to the Four and separates this group of altered humans from all the others is the "Family" aspect.
You see, growing up in the Bronx/NYC, my mom always told us-
" we have to be like the Fantastic Four (it was her + my older brother + my older sister & me) - and we have to watch each others back, with what makes each unique"
- something which I will continue to do til my last breath.

As for the recent theatrical adaption, I'm not going to go into whether it sucked or rocked my world.
But what I will say about it, is this:
I've never been one to have my actions and intentions be heavily swayed by critics
BUT for me , being a fan, its ALWAYS sheer enjoyment to see these four in action.

Below is a whole set from quick ball point doodles, vector sketches, a time lapse gif and final artwork
that pays tribute to these FANTASTIC FOUR ( plus my favorite bad guy).
Cheers and enjoy~

created with:
Imac + Adobe Illustrator + Wacom Intous
 By now I think you all know that I have a passion for taking popular icons and creatively "mashing them up".
Here's one inspired by the late Storm Thorgerson, the designer of Pink Floyd's Darkside of the Moon cover art.
FANTASTIC FOUR- Bright Side of the Four
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FANTASTIC FOUR / DR. DOOM vector tribute

FANTASTIC FOUR / DR. DOOM vector tribute

My vector tribute consisting of various doodles. vector sketches, time lapse and final artwork paying tribute to the Fantastic Four...Dr. Doom to Read More
