One day it’ll only take our J…
Matching brand to ambition for Jobbio

We’ve worked with Jobbio from the beginning, back in 2013, when brothers Stephen and John Quinn approached us with the dream of changing the way hiring happens – ‘Job discovery done right’. Back then it was about getting them up and moving by developing and guiding the initial visual identity through to the web and app design. 

Cut to 2016 and they’ve grown to three offices in Dublin, London and New York, have a Talent pool of over 100,000 and over 3000 companies including Stripe, Ryanair, eBay, Uber, Airbnb, Intel and Paypal using the platform. They’ve also picked up a few awards along the way too. 
As Jobbio has grown they’ve expanded their offering which, includes thought leadership initiatives and event programmes such as Higher (previously know as Expand) however, the original identity was struggling to keep up the pace. Our approach aimed big to help push the Jobbio brand forward to match the companies ambition and have enough flexibility to grow within a fast paced environment. Keeping the original logo mark and their red we built on what they  had rather then starting fresh. In essence we had to get to the heart of it. Jobbio has one job. To get the right people, in the right place, at the right time. To explain how they do that, we developed three key principles that can be harnessed to drive all visual design and content generation.

It starts with making connections.
It’s our mission to bring people together. Our products are designed to create meaningful and lasting connections. We also create events, content and experiences that don’t just bring people together, but connect people and ideas in new ways.

It means creating chemistry
Finding the right person for the right job is about more than skills, experience and selecting the perfect shoes for the interview. It’s about chemistry. We love putting things together in new, surprising ways and finding combinations and ideas that just work.

It grows by being challenging
We’re ripping up the rulebook for recruitment. We aren’t afraid to ‘do different’ and challenge the status quo. We’re bold and confident, and we’re not restricted by the way things have always been done. We’re ambitious and we lead the way.

The project spanned nearly 6 months, during which we reviewed their position to refocus their proposition and understand their audience. We refreshed their tone of voice and visual identity throughout, producing a brand book that works as an identity guidelines, but also gives clear insight into the drivers behind Jobbio. We want everyone who reads the brand book to understand the heart and ambition of the brand – how to design for, write for, speak about and represent Jobbio. 

We looking forward to seeing how the Jobbio team will rollout and develop the brand and continue to work with them supporting the in–house design team.
Jobbio Branding

Jobbio Branding

One day it’ll only take our J… Matching brand to ambition for Jobbio We’ve worked with Jobbio from the beginning, back in 2013, when brothers St Read More
