At the end of the twenty first century mankind reacted to the dire state of the world’s natural environment. Over the period of a few centuries humans eliminated almost all of the world’s natural forests. They tried to compensate for their actions with a variety of artificial forests, but a number of issues, from a lack of biodiversity to the continuing strain on environmental resources, led to failure.

In just over three centuries the human population grew from less than a billion people to over twelve billion. Even with the advancement of technologies the population overtaxed the earth’s resources. While the cost of living increased and the destruction of natural environment was seen as a necessity, the population grew out from its cities covering almost the entire habitable world with a processed environment. Out of a desire to retain a shard of the earth’s historical ecosystems, multiple governments began fusing and working together to build massive habitation constructs called Arks.

These structures were intended as preservation and monument to a natural state long gone. Their immense forms house and protect a replication of the historical wild environments of the world forever to remain untouched by man.
Nemestrinus was the third Ark built. It serves as an embodiment of the great Midwestern forests of the United States prior to the area’s settlement. Located in East Habitation Zone I, it is close to what was once defined as Detroit. To this day it is the sixth largest ark in the world. At over seven miles across it can be seen from space.

As a forerunner of the Ark movement, it held the distinction of being the largest man-made structure for over a decade. It houses an enormous ecosystem that includes a thirty-eight mile long river called the Rokoma, as well as other smaller tributaries. Because of altitude, the various levels are within different climate zones, these range from Treeless Alpine to Lowlands. This allows for a wide variety of plant and animal life, including systems such as Eastern White Pine forests, Oak/Hickory forests, Maple/Beech/Birch forests, and more.

According to official statements, since its engagement in 2097, Nemestrinus has seen three percent increase in animal and plant life. It is noted that, in addition to the wide verity of species, the separation from human contact prevents the spread of many harmful elements such as disease and invasive species.

As an ark, Nemestrinus set a gauge with which all others could be measured; an accomplishment on a scale beyond what was previously envisioned possible, helping to revolutionize humanity’s vision for the twenty-second century.


2120 At the end of the twenty first century mankind reacted to the dire state of the world’s natural environment. Over the period of a few centur Read More
