When God gave his covenant to Moses and the Isrealites he gave them the Ten Commandments.
These Commandments reflect the very heart of God himself. What he loves, hates, and his plans for mankind.
The covenant consisted of two promises. God promised to always be their God and not to leave them.
The people promised to obey all these commandments of God.
Jesus told us that all comandments are based off of loving God with all you heart + mine + might, and to love others as yourself. So all Gods commandments teach us how to love God and others.
Sadly the Isrealites did not keep their end of the Promise. They broke the covenant that they made with God.
The good news is that God inspired prophets to preach that he would make a new covenant. This covenant all the commandments would be put in you heart and mind. Gods people would get a new heart, and it would be like the very heart of God. They would love all the things God loves and hate all the things that God hates.
Jesus taught us that all these commandments was how to love God and others, plus the said those who teach and do these will be the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven, but those who do not will be the least.
Jesus indead is the Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven and he perfectly shows us the Heart of God!
Another sad truth is that breaking these commandments is like breaking Gods heart. His commandments are teach us how to love, but often we reject them.
The Bible defines sin as breaking the Laws of God. This is because the Law of God is a perfect discription of God's character and his plan of salvation for us. In his Laws it states that if someone sins that a sacrifice would have to be made. Everytime anyone sins the innocent is hurt and the offender is not, unless they are brought to justice.
Jesus was hurt for us. He died in our place out of love! When we break his commands it is like breaking Gods heart. This hurts Jesus and he is innocent.
But like in every relationship, this dosent mean it's over. No! If we are really sorry for hurting Gods feelings then he is faithfull to forgive us. He made humans to have a relationship with us, not to destroy us.
I pray you renew your heart today. One that says I am your beloved and you are mine.
Fun little color and cut out. Put a fastner in on the tiny grey dot in the middle and you have the commandments that can rotate to the become the Heart of God.
Color PNG Ten Commandments
Ten Commandments

Ten Commandments

The Heart of God. A graphic description of the new and old covenant of God. How he will give his people a new heart just like Jesus's.
