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Port Hawkesbury Community Trails Signage

Port Hawkesbury Community Trails

Town of Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia

Brief / Summary of Work
Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia is home to a wonderful network of nature trails, which offer a year-round experience for walkers, hikers, and cross-country skiers.

Form:Media had the pleasure of designing a series of wayfinding and orientation signs along the 10-kilometre trail system. There are seven trails in total, each of which now has an entrance sign summarizing the trail’s distance and estimated walking time. A series of smaller signs gently update the trail user on their location and remaining distance as they weave through the natural environment.

As an added incentive, Form:Media designed a rack card that neatly reviews the entire trail system and its many uses to outdoor enthusiasts.

Participating Members and Roles
Project management: John deWolf
Lead Graphic Design: John deWolf
Graphic Design: Cassy Collins
Wayfinding Specialist: Kathie Watts
Client: Paula Davis
Port Hawkesbury Community Trails Signage

Port Hawkesbury Community Trails Signage

A series of wayfinding and orientation signs along the 10-kilometre trail system.
