Form Media's profile

Landscape of Grand-Pré Logo

Client name
Landscape of Grand Pré Society in collaboration with the Municipality of the County of Kings and the Nova Scotia Tourism Agency, Grand Pré, Nova Scotia.
Brief / Summary of Work
The Landscape of Grand Pré Society is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Located in scenic Grand Pré , Nova Scotia, the society is dedicated to the preservation of an exceptional living agricultural landscape, claimed from the sea in the 17th century and still in use today.
Form:Media conceived a brandmark that depicts the living landscape of Grand Pré in a simplified and painterly style. Natural features include the dykelands, the water of the Minas Basin, and Cape Blomidon, with the Acadian Memorial Church and farm silos embedded in the view. A contemporary serifed typeface is used to convey a sense of distinction and integrity, complimenting the universal values inherent in the UNESCO designation.
This logo was designed as part of a branding initiative that forms the core of a visitor wayfinding system and a series of interpretive panels—all of which were designed by Form:Media.
Participating Members and Roles
Creative Direction and Project Management: Emma Woodhull
Lead Design and Wayfinding Coordinator: Luke Stover
Art Direction (logo development): John DeWolf
Graphic Design (logo development): Cassy Collins, Thomas Evans, Yulia Semenova
Landscape of Grand-Pré Logo

Landscape of Grand-Pré Logo

This logo was designed as part of a branding initiative that forms the core of a visitor wayfinding system and a series of interpretive panels.
