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Unit 2: Photoshop Collages

No Name Mentioned
“Combined infrared, visible, and x-ray images of M101 showing that both young and old stars are evenly distributed along the tightly-wound spiral arms.”
samantha smith (from Flickr)
Eiffel Tower Photo
My poster, at first glance, looks like a jumble of foreign objects and distant colors.
Quite frankly, it actually is.
Look closer. You’ll notice the loose rocks. The black menu atop it, white chalk words splattered on to it. The old building behind, with a surprising array of vivid colors.
History meets contemporary.
There’s a phone box to my-your left. It’s smudged, old, and dirty. It reminds you of a metal pail that has been left in the garage for too long. Its brilliant hues seem to be fading further and further away. You reach out to grab it, but it simply leaves a small coating of grey dust on your fingertips.
Ahead, there’s a bridge. A red Golden Gate bridge. Its iron-clad foundation stands strong against the tides below it, though the sea’s waves only dare to gently splash on it.
Look a little closer. There’s a familiar shy face on the right. Imagine touching the metal supports with your own bare hands. It’s a cold, comfortable sensation.
Look away. Around you. Gather your things. Pack your camera, your clothes, your GoPro, your small bag of guilty pleasures.
Grab your backpack by its worn handle and swing it onto your shoulders. Leave everything else behind: worries, anger, frustration.
“Ready for adventure.”
Unit 2: Photoshop Collages

Unit 2: Photoshop Collages

For Mr. Roberts' DID class.
