Singlish 50
a set of 50 postcards to commemorate Singapore’s 50th birthday. These postcards will be hidden in attractions or places of interest in Singapore. Singaporeans or tourists will be able to collect these 50 postcards. 
Singlish is a fast revolving communication language that is used in Singapore. The government has been trying ways to demolish this language due to it’s negative influence on standard English.
Postcards are hidden in heritage areas such as museums, libraries, attractions. If you find it, you can upload your findings into the app, so other citizens who are finding for certain words can know about it. The app comes with a Singlish dictionary. 
Mail these postcards to anyone you think fits the word! 
Singlish 50

Singlish 50

a set of 50 postcards to commemorate Singapore’s 50th birthday
