Julien Pearly's profile

Live Improvisation Film Experiments

To my family: I offer a golden present as more important than creating a film from scratch, it’s to look back and stage the ones who gave you birth in a story, to know them better and communicate a different self… the world in which you live or want to live in, for a strong desire to happen mean sometimes to realise it oneself.
A ma famille: Je leur offre un cadeau en or car bien plus important que de creer un film de toute piece, il y a de mettre en scene ceux que l'on aime pour mieux se comprendre et se connaitre…le monde dans lequel on vit ou veut vivre pour que nos desirs les plus forts se realisent parfois il faut se realiser soi meme”.
Poeme From a dream to the truth From me to you For a poem to be true I have to write it with you
Short made for Kino Bratislava
Image, Edit, Color by Julien Pearly
Berimbau Player Ladislav Duchman
Live Percussions by Adam Gallina
Screened in Bratislava September 2010
Music performed live at Breitenseer Lichtspiele Cinema for a quickie made during the Kino Dynamique 2010, Vienna may 2010. 
Film shot the night before during the screening number 2.
Song written By Trent Arkleysmith
Accordeon / Fronthouse: Martha Laschkolnig
Opera Singer: Brigitte Deutsch
Bastiana Constantin, 
Silviu Florin Ruşti
bastiana konstantin

Synopsis: A song, A film, a dance, one take for each of them. a couple in movement, a band, 2 worlds joining together through the combination of live music and film. Its a little experiment inspired by a music live project using visuals done years ago and the work of la blogotheque and vincent moon.
"Filmcasino, Vienna May 18th. The 2nd Screening was over; people were ready to leave or I should say, to start drinking. I go out at the front door and realize the cinema lighting and how beautiful the whole place is. A state of emergency overwhelms me. Before the screening, we agreed with the 2 actors, Bastiana aka Anna and Silviu that we would shoot the dance tomorrow morning in a place still to be decided (my 1st choice was on the Danube island), but my instincts tell me otherwise. We can and have to do it here, with all our people around having fun! So I take them apart from the crowd (and the fun) to get serious and shout: lets do it now, it’s now or never for me! And they are up for it, great! I love these moments. Luckily enough anna has her dress with her and silviu borrows Gabriel shirt, I grab my camera and the jobby (akos you love this jobby I know) and off we go at the front door, all dressed and ready to shoot. I explain again briefly what’s gonna happen and put 2 persons behind the doors to block people to go through it while we are filming. The plan is simple: Martha, all smartly dressed too, will take her place on the front side to give the tempo. They will go out through the door and stay still looking like a couple trying to reconnect with eachother then finding it through dance and music. I will shoot tight close-ups to introduce the couple before walking backwards to introduce the whole scene and get everything in the shot. We are all setup and I press record while the couple gets ready inside the cinema, then it starts! After a 1st try that fails after a few seconds, we go for the second take and then the magic happens. No music, just Martha clapping and our two actors starts moving rhythmically to it but also like if some music was coming out of nowhere that only them could hear. And I’m, like a deaf man BLINDED by this beautiful moment, imagining this music while doing my best to focus on the framing. They do perfectly the transition between the beginning where they show difficulty to dance and when they break through to reach the musical place, where there is no disturbance from the surrounding, just the two of them alone, disconnected to the real world and connected together with the world of music. I’m walking away from the scene, akos leading me and stopping the cars that come by. Then I give a glimpse of where these two persons actually are dancing: outside a cinema! What a wonderful show the next night when they are on a big screen in a different cinema. What an amazing thing to see the film with the band, martha, Vladimir and Brigitte, filling the room with music, that music only these two persons could seem to hear the day before. And here, what a great miracle we are witnessing! We enter into a world (the film) where the story takes place and come out to enter another (the screening) where the music is played."
Live Improvisation Film Experiments


Live Improvisation Film Experiments

A screen, A stage, an endless infinite combination for cinematic storytelling possibilities and audience engagement. Live films combine the dynam Read More
