
The design of the application was created as a study project in collaboration with Microsoft Slovenia. The Pocket sport App allows easy access to many diverse workouts without worrying about monthly and annual subscriptions. The application allows you to search exercises or gyms according to the location, type of exercise, level of difficulty or popularity. Due to its clean and intuitive design the application is really easy to use.  Our work consisted in the conceptual design od the app, information architecture, user interface design and graphic design.
Pocket Sport - it’s easy to workout, when you have everything in your pocket.

Oblikovanje aplikacije je nastalo kot študijski projekt v sodelovanju z Microsoft Slovenija. Aplikacija Pocket sport omogoča ljudem enostaven dostop do raznovrstnih vadb, brez skrbi o mesečnih in letnih naročninah. Vadba tako ne bo nikoli monotona. Z aplikacijo lahko iščemo vadbe glede na lokacijo, stopnjo zahtevnosti ali priljubljenosti. Uporaba aplikacije je zaradi čiste in intuitivne podobe enostavna za uporabo. Naše delo je zajemalo idejno zasnovo, oblikovanje informacijske arhitekture, uporabniškega vmesnika in grafično oblikovanje aplikacije.
Pocket Sport - it’s easy to workout, when you have everything in your pocket.


POCKET SPORT The design of the application was created as a study project in collaboration with Microsoft Slovenia. The Pocket sport App allows Read More
