How can an artist base their life and career on a collaborative practice? How will that practice affect their lifestyle? “Affinte” is a lifestyle magazine about past and present artist collectives and their lifestyle. The magazine covers a variety of several collectives from all over the world. The magazine will inform, entertain and inspire the reader to learn more about artist collective.
The name “Affinité” is French for “Affinity” this is an old word that was used in chemistry in 19th century. It was used to explain affiliation between elements. Nowadays is explained as: a person, thing, idea, etc., for which such a natural liking or attraction is felt. “Affinité” is therefore used as metaphor for artist collective.
Colorit 210gr
Cyklus Offset 140gr
Image Coated gloss 120gr


How can an artist base their life and career on a collaborative practice? How will that practice affect their lifestyle? “Affinte” is a lifestyle Read More
