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Compromise in disagreement

Create flyer and poster for the conference "Modus vivendi" on 8-10 July 2015 arranged by the Centre for Advanced Study in Bioethics.
Pluralistic societies face the problem of dealing with citizens' disagreements. Increasingly, such disagreements are deep and seem to be unresolvable. Take, for instance, the debates on bioethical issues such as abortion or doctor-assisted suicide involving conflicts about the meaning of self-determination and the protection of human life, or the debate on the Muhammad caricatures involving conflicts about the relation between religious freedom and freedom of expression. Some political theorists suggest that a "modus vivendi", some kind of provisional compromise that regulates conflicts without settling the underlying disagreements, provides useful guidance in such cases.
Two HAY! wooden hands were joined loosely with duct tape, cord, and some screws and nails. The resulting structure was used as some kind of intermediate handshake between two persons. The photo has then been selectively coloured pronouncing the two sides involved in the compromise.
Compromise in disagreement