Some useful background info:
Supported M-code:
Supported G-code:
Full G-code:
Sanguinolu specs:
Melzi Ardentissimo controller specs (The one that I use):
Link for how to save as .stl for many CAD programs:
Here I have a small remark regarding Creo\Elements - I am always using binary Res=0.05mm Deg=10
Unboxing the kit:  
The kit arrived exactly as promissed - First thing is to unpack it and see what inside the box...
BTW: I have an error in the video there are 5 stepper motor not 6 as I say.
After 3 Days I had an assembled and mechanicaly working Huxley machine.
I build it accurding to the RepRapPro Huxley build instractions.
There are also nice buiding videos on youtube just search for "Huxley build"
My tips for the assembly are:
- Make sure the gears of the extruder rotates freely - if needed enlarge the mounting holes of the extruder stepper.
- I decided to change the original plane and locate the Z-stepper and the Z-endstop at the left side (same side as the Hot-plate connector) This way the wiring is shorter and there is only one side with wires.
- Twist together the four wires of each stepper-motors and the pairs of the switches and heaters before routing them. This way they will omit less EMI and will be more emmune the EMI.
- Use the spare wires of the stepper motor for the switchs wiring.
Configuration & First Print:
The machine didn't print right away. I needed to learn and understand some of the configuration parameters and the general concept of converting the 3D-model to .STL files amd to .PLA G-code files
My setup & conclusions:
- Make sure the extruder is configured to absolute value (not relative as default)!!
- For 0.3mm resolution I use 30[mm/sec] for the movement and 27mm/sec] for the extruder.
- For 0.25/0.20mm resolution I use 30[mm/sec] for the movement and 30mm/sec] for the extruder.
- Change the early stop / start and extruder retraction values to improve the printing results.
- Generate new G-code file (.pla) after every parameter change in the Skeinforge application.
- Use the latest Skeinforge application & use it seperatly from the eMAKER program.
- Load the new .pla file into eMAKER PronterFace application and then upload it to the printer SD.
- It is much faster to copy the .pla file directly to the SD card and rename it to .G
- Not all G-Code & M-code are supported.
- The Temperature reading are not properaly calibrated so the temperature target value shoud acount for that.
-My sensors shows 40Cdeg @room temperature of ~21Cdeg. Hence I command 20Cdeg more.
- The Hot-bed temperature should be 85Cdeg (Calibrated).
- Hot End should be ~0.5mm from the bed-plant.
- Heating resistor should be assembled with thermal grease for proper thermal conduction - otherways it can be destroyed after few hours of work - Like mine did.
- Kapton tape is good but regulare transperent tape is also o.k. The only problem is that is has little life span on the hot-bed so chage it after 2-3 prints.
First Layer Problems:
1. If the filament is rolling back and sticking to the extruder - Increase the HotEnd temperature ~200 - 215DegC
(Calibrated) I also notieced that using a fine nail-pile or sanding-paper to clean the HotEnd nozzle helps! 
2. If the filament does not stick well to the Hot-Plate - Increase the Hot-Plate temperature ~85 - 100DegC. Notieced that the middle of the Hot-Plate is hotter then the sides so for large model the temperature should be rised even more.
3. If the filament trace touching and disconnecting from the plate - Decrease the extruder hight (Closer to the hot plate).
In general the filament should be 'pured gently' by the extruder not 'pressed injected' to the Hot-Plate.
4. For best result try to print @room temperature between 18 to 24DegC and relative humidity less then 54%. If needed turn on the air-condition
5. Very important to clean the Hot-Plate (Glass or Kompthon tape) every ~5 prints with Alcohol. This greatly improves the 1st layer integrity!
Going to 0.2mm / or 0.15mm resolution:
Make sure you have a pepect working setup @0.2mm and perfact hot-plate balance - Then lower the extruder hight from the Hot-Plate ~0.1 and test-print. Keep fine tuning the extruder hight from the Hot-Plate until the 1st layer is good.
The prints are not 100% perpect and I still have some issuse to solve regarding that the PLA does not always stick properly to the Kapton-Tape. But I can work with the current quality. Here are some examples:
One of the first prints. Printed at 0.3mm layer resolution
1st version of new HotEnd  setup: 
After 1 day of work (~4hours) a disaster - The heating resistor burned (probably because I didn't use thermal grease - the instructions say it is not mandatory...).
I saw that it is almost imposible to get the original heating resistor (Axial wirewond enamel coating 3W 6.8Ohm) on mouser / ebay with reasonable price - so I decided to use a simple ceramic resistor.
A pack of 10 can be found on eBay for ~5USD including shipment. I use 8[Ohm] resistor and and everything start working again (But far from perfact).
2nd version of HotEnd setup (Best one):
After  a week of work I understood that the setup with the Ceramic resistor is far from good.
-The hot end was not hot enogh - 1st layer did not stick good to the hot-plate.
-The PID parameters had to be changed in firmware (Didn't feel like going in to this advanture)
I decided to work with an Enamel resistor instead but I only found a bigger diameter type on ebay.
I made a similar but slitly larger aluminium block with larger hole for the bigger resistor. Assembeled everything inside like the orignal.
Buttom line - WORK 110%
 (most of the NOT sticking problems vanished)
Currently I am printing in 0.25mm, 0.2mm &0.15mm resolutions.
Going PRO: 
4 months passed - And it is now less then a year from my first print. I think I almost mastered it.
I am printing now at 0.2mm and sometime at 0.15mm Z-resolution.
Almost every print is 100% perpect.
Here are my latest tips:
1. Clean the Kompton with alcohol every ~5 prints
2. Don't print in high humidity!!! If the first layer does not stick - turn on the A.C in the room!
3. Adding an external fan to cool down the part while printing greatly improves the print quality!

The printer opened for me a complete new field and way of designing.
I learned to use solid CAD software (particulary Creo\Element\Direct by PTC and SpaceClaim).
So far I used my 3D-Printer in 4 of my project.
Here are some links:
Smart_Tunnel - All the special mechanical parts of the 3DoF balance are made in house.
Pitot-Tube - The entire structure
RC-Model - Well that is for fun
Wings - A little expensive but much more accurate and easier then building or cutting foam by hand.
80mm Fan Mount:
.stl version can be D/L here:
The Fan mount can be put in any angle - At this 'Open' position the printer can be easily maintained.
Huxley RepRap

Huxley RepRap

My first RepRap printer - assembly blog
