The Gond tribal community is one of the central India's largest indegenous community and their art is an expression for their everyday quest for life. Gond art resonates with a culturally distinctive ethos and draws inspiration from myths and legends to images of their daily life.
The mythical beast and the intricate detailing of flora and fauna are the dominant themes that have animated lives of gond for centuries and their art is used as means to record history.
Inspired from Gond art style, I made an artwork depicting a tree at NID hostel, which is always full of chirping birds!
Tree of life, Gond art style
KASTURI MRIG (Canvas size: A1)
This is the story of once, when king Rama was exiled and living in a forest. Ravana want to take revenge on Rama for insulting his sister Surpnakha. He sent his  uncle Marichi who could disguise into a beautiful golden deer (Kasturi Mrig) into the forest. Sita was delighted and asked Rama to catch it for her. The deer led him far away, and when Rama failed to return, Sita asked Lakshmana to look for him. Rama had asked Lakshmana to guard Sita, but on this one occasion he disobeyed his instructions in order to please Sita, and disaster followed. 
Gond Art style

Gond Art style

'Aroma of Soil' was a two week open elective course at NID. These artworks are made under guidance of traditional Gond artists of Madhya Pradesh.
