After being given a booklet with information on every aspect of a persons life and personality, this project involved taking the information and filtering it down to 5 words.
These words were then used to create an informed outcome in the form of a drinks brand. The 5 words used for this outcome were; modern, alcoholic, social, eco-friendly and minimal.
The outcome took the form of a wine set with a heavy focus on reusable packaging accompanied by a modern and minimal label design forming the drinks brand itself, while the packaging helped to form its eco-friendly identity.
Packaging and wine rack plan and concept...
The wine case itself would be made of an renewable wood source to encourage its reuse rather than being thrown away. it is formed of 2 faceplates and 2 sides, which can be slotted together in 2 combinations, ether forming the 2 bottle wine case or as a three bottle wine stand.
2 bottle packaging...
Packaging disasembeled...
Packaging reasembeled as wine stand...
Project Boards...


After being given a booklet with information on every aspect of a persons life and personality, this project involved taking the information and Read More
