The balance between feeling something and being desensitized is delicate.
Within the food chain, human being interacts with food through death.
I wonder that the human beings' desires for eating the dead thing in the ironic-emotional situations of their food culture.
Chicken with jujube-doll, Inkjet Pigment Print, Ultra Glacier 300g, 1200*1200
Pig, Inkjet Pigment Print, Ultra Glacier 300g, 1200*1200
Shrimp, Inkjet Pigment Print, Ultra Glacier 300g, 1200*1200
Mackerel, Inkjet Pigment Print, Ultra Glacier 300g, 1200*1200
Degree show for major in visual communication design, School of design, Hongik university Watch Here
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The balance between feeling something and being desensitized is delicate. Within the food chain, human being interacts with food through death. I Read More


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