This design was for a 2-D design class from 2013, originally meant to be traced in felt marker.
The assignment was - to design one shape into some sort of pattern or organize it in some type of way.
It was to be made using only felt tip naturally pushing the boundaries, I hopped on the computer and messed with 30 or more different shapes, then I took it back to the drawing board when I found something that I was excited about. 
I ended up with a cool feel because jets are not usually parked facing each other, and loaded.
If one views it as a negative, they might see the jets first. If one views it as a positive, they may see something like a snowflake first. This negative and positive effect for the peice was a fair success. 
The challenge, for me, was not how the content was arranged. The real challenge that I saw was to make it relevant enough to be excited about it when I was done. This is a core concept that I adhere to with all of my design and it may have altered the process of this project, but is also why I am able to keep it in my professional portfolio. 
I've always had a passion for flight and growing up next to Air Force and Army bases in Colorado Springs, Colorado provided much inspiration in the skies above. With these giant B52s and all types of fighter jets flying around on the regular, I have always felt that am destined to fly for myself some day. Fighter jet or Dodo plane, I'll fly someday.
Circle O' Jets

Circle O' Jets

This project was interesting and very challenging solely because it was so simple. I thought Jets looked pretty damn cool, especially from abov Read More
