The isometric basement design is simply something I wanted to design for a while. I wanted it to have a grungy/creepy-ish feel to it. I think lighting gives it that tone. Plus with the extra cans, it does give it some visual colour appeal.
Here is what the CC and basic lighting/blurring has done to help capture the scene. Although the concept isnt a strong idea, it still has an element of mystery behind it.
This is the orignal render from Cinema 4D. No light, shadow, blurring, or colour correction was added. Obviously this untouched version is dull compared to the touched up version.
As you can see, everything down to the boxes are detailed with rugged textures. They play significant parts of the design. Some-what symbolzing confinement.
I know this image is dark and a little hard to see, however I wanted to show realistic light properties that tied into this basment. The empty open box shows off a tiny feature that helps make the design interesting in a way.... The shadows here is what I love the most.
Final close up shot of the basment. I had fun designing this and it was fairly easy. There really is no story behind the design, it just envolves confinement.



A small dark and unfinished isometric basement. Confinement.
