Liang Qin Loy's profile

Inner world of an abused child

Inner world of an abused child
.Neglected . Isolated .Anxiety

A picture perfect child now broken up into many triangles. We are not able to see her as a complete person. It gives you the impression of a disoriented and troubled kid. Attempts made to put her together, is just like a jigsaw puzzle.
If we do not attempt to help her, she will slowly fade the colors of life in her. You will see the kid slipping away from the meaning of love & care. She will remain in her ‘dark world’ without the love & care. All you will see of her, is a insolated & ignored kid that is living in anxiety. Negative perceptions of life would set in, and remain deep in her people relationship. Soon, all colours of life would fade away; leaving the kid as a neglected soul. Possible to inject color back? It takes a long time & effort to restore the confidence.

Series of image making photographs
Mix Media

Inner world of an abused child

Inner world of an abused child

Inner world of an abused child .Neglected . Isolated .Anxiety A picture perfect child now broken up into many triangles. We are not able to see Read More
