Most of us have a camera with us where ever we go, whether or not we use it to its full potential is debatable. I know that I always feel a little bit lost without my iPhone, it is almost an extension of my hands. I'll admit, perhaps my mother was right, I am addicted to technology. 
True or not, I find that there is an incredible amount of creative possibility within that one tiny, handheld device. Creative potential that I am still trying to unlock, and bring into my own photography. 
My iPhone gives me the freedom to create shots that I would never be able to achieve with a DSLR, everything from intimate street scenes, to secretly shooting in places where photogrpahy is not allowed, is made possible becuase of the seemingly simple and common everyday act of holding an iPhone. 
Perhaps the addiction is not with the iPhone itself, and the connectedness that it brings, but with the creative potential found within. Such a strong addiction it seems, that I find myself abandoning from time to time my old friend the professional DSLR, and the incredible image sensor inside, and taking to the streets with my new best bud, my iPhone, and the numerous editing applications contained inside. 
This is the result. 
Scotland 2015

Scotland 2015

This is a series of photos I shot while traveling in Scotland, mainly Edinburgh and Glasgow. June 2015
