The power of hackathons or Startup weekends is the atmosphere and people. You push harder. I decided to participate Startup Camp Lund 2014 two weeks before end of the master’s thesis. It was the first time when I officially presented my work from last seven weeks.
The weekend was amazing. The overall experience helped me in many ways. You will be able to find more about it in next weeks. The team was created by Yannis and me. We teamed up after the introduction pitch. He was great for supporting and critiquing the overall concept that I proposed and developed.
We pitched the concept with the name UNITED ØRESUND. It is the crowdsourced WIFI ecosystem build on the blockchain. You can take your WIFI on the go in the essence. The next screens are from the prototype that was developed during the weekend
The biggest challenges were to pitch the overall concept without mentioning the underlying Bitcoin technology and create the sustainable business plan for all participating sites.
The dots get connected that day. The result is pretty clear from the next picture. The first official validation of my thesis was success.
Would like to hear more? Do not hesitate to contact me!


Imagine your home WIFI on the go with you.
