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Energy Week | Playing Cards

To conmemorate The Energy Week, the Interactive Museum of Economy, asked me to do cards with challenges and riddles, that would be handed to the kids at the entrance. The cards send each kid to different sections of the museum, were they would find the answers to each riddle. 
Para conmemorar la Semana de la Energía, el Museo Interactivo de Economía me encargó hacer una serie de tarjetas con retos y acertijos que se les daba a los niños al entrar al museo. Las tarjetas los mandaban a diferentes secciones del museo, donde encontrarían las respuestas a los acertijos. 
Energy Week | Playing Cards

Energy Week | Playing Cards

To conmemorate The Energy Week, the Interactive Museum of Economy, asked me to do cards with challenges and riddles, that would be handed to the Read More
