Arda Hamamcıoğlu's profile


For as long as I know, I have always been a fan of character design. Not in the sense of the characters personality but as a designer and an illustrator i always wanted to construct or draw characters that translate what might be their intentions or motivations are. In another statement,  character modeling with soul.
Despite doing various illustrative jobs i haven’t set foot in the 3D modeling realm. To start things up i did not want to spend my money on some expensive software. I looked at various sculpting programs and settled on two free sculpting tools; Mudbox and Sculptris. At first glance i knew Mudbox wasn’t for me due to having a steep learning curve. But then I found an “apprentice” version of fabled ZBrush an fell in love with it. It’s called Sculptris and I will let the visuals tell the story. Keep in mind that I am just a beginner in 3D sculpting.
The first picture shown here is done in 40min max. More than 500000 triangles were made during this first sketch.Difference between this and the first one is that this model has much lower triangle count (approx. 50000). I have to remind you that this is just the sculpting part, making bump maps comes later.
Then the process goes on to making bump maps and coloring. So not in a specific order I did these steps.
The last part was to refine the model. I did some fine tuning and mixed some shaders to get the effect that I wanted.
So this was my first attempt on sculpting I hope you liked it, see you on a different project.


A character design made by 3D sculpting in Sculptris.
