"Xilonave Winka" is a spencerian handwrite project,
It was writen  in a classical fashion way: white gouache with a flexible Brause Rose EF nib and an oblique penholder on hispanic black cardboard.
performed as an inverted pangram in order to show each letter of latin alphabet along the text, a translate interpretation of this very short sailor tale could be:

"Set sail now!
ship of wood,
we, foreign people,
only we go tracing sinuous paths
that hit by never merciful waves.
Fired Kraken,
you will never invade us ever sinking
our big energies, hope...
you hesitate
bestial creature,
(Z) Zarpa | Start
(Y) Ya! | now!
(X) Xilonave | Ship made of wood
(W) Winka | foreign people (in mapudungun language)
(V) Vamos | we go
(U) Únicos | only us
(T) Trazando | Tracing (drawing)
(S) Sinuosas | Sinuous (tricky)
(R) Rutas | Paths
(Q) Que | that
(P) Precipitan | Hit
(O) Olas | Waves
(N) Nunca | Never
(M) Misericordiosas | Merciful
 (L) Llameante | Fired (covered of flames)
(K) Kraken
(J) Jamás | Never ever
(I) Invadirás | will invade
(H) Hundiendo | Sinking
(G) Grandes | Big
(F) Fuerzas | Energies
(E) Esperanzas | Hope
(D) Dudas | Hesitate
(C) Criatura | Creature
Xilonave Winka


Xilonave Winka

"Xilonave Winka" is a spencerian handwrite project, It was writen in a classical fashion way: white gouache with a flexible Brause Rose EF nib an Read More
