Every moment of our lives is intertwined into a schedule that greatly pressures us to live fast. In some cases, the busy experiences we deal with everyday program our minds to live in a fast-paced world where we do everything more quickly even eat faster. Consequently, we voluntarily sacrifice our happiness by adopting an unhealthy way of living that hinders our personal lives and eating behaviours. Through practices of the Japanese way of cooking, Slowlymade suggests Torontonians should find a way to live better through a slower lifestyle and value home-cooked meals.
The project will appeal specifically at Torontonians between the ages of 20–35, who are living a consumerist lifestyle; young careerists caught up in a rather hectic and uncompromising work schedules. This essential kit strives to deal with some of the common problems in our fast-paced society by bringing back the opportunity of sitting together and enjoying the pleasures of making home cooked meals.


Every moment of our lives is intertwined into a schedule that greatly pressures us to live fast. In some cases, the busy experiences we deal with Read More
