A New BBC Homepage Vision
The BBC Content Discovery team approached me back in 2014 with a question to help them answer: what was next for thier BBC homepage audience. The challenge was huge, how do you make space and sense for a organisation that publishes on average 1500 pieces of content daily, 1200 hours of radio and 120 hours of TV, couple this with the 10 million visits on a weekly basis and it puts into context the magnitude of the challenge.
Below is a fraction of just some of the of concepts ideas and exploration from my time on the project. My work covered all aspects of this enormous project from early sketches to workshops with the editorial teams, who would run the homepage once it was completed, to high level stakeholder across the BBC. It turned out that everybody wanted a say on how it would look and feel.

As of now the site is still only in MVP phase but the plan is to rollout the widening work and implement some of the creative vision and scope that I left them with to more forward with over the next 12 months.
BBC Homepage

BBC Homepage

A New BBC Homepage Vision The BBC Content Discovery team approached me back in 2014 with a question to help them answer, what was next for thier Read More
