Michal Minár's profile

Rajec Run - Web Concept

While working at Zaraguza, I designed a website for Rajec (slovak mineral water brand) aimed at amateur runners. The website design was originally made just to pitch the idea in front of the client, however the client eventually decided to go with it, which I was very happy about :) During the development stage, there were some major color changes on the website, and since it doesn't fully look like the screens I'm presenting here, I decided to label it as a "concept".
Anyway, feel free to have a look at the main page of the web (hosted as a subpage under www.rajec.com):
And here's a photogallery subpage from a particular running event (it was changed to a animated .gif gallery later on...)
And finally, a lightbox widget showing chosen photo:
Rajec Run - Web Concept

Rajec Run - Web Concept

A website concept for slovak mineral water brang aimed at recreational runners
