As a city, Brisbane is quite controlled. Public art and street photography is frowned upon, and permits are required for even the most innate activity. Nowhere is this more prevalent than along the southern edge of the river (opposite the CBD). Within this region exists strict zones that are designed to not only influence, but control the user’s ability to explore and experience.
The goal of 001-100 is to acknowledge that these zones exist, but to also encourage the user to re-zone and re-experience them for themselves; creating a new landscape to explore and remember in their own way. A limit of 100 copies will be created by, and bound by hand to allow a greater connection between the publication and the user.
At its simplest, 001-100 is a limited edition, pocketable, publication that allows its possessor to experience the mapped region through a carefully considered pairing of sounds and smells. It is accompanied with a simple mobile application that uses location awareness to automatically play music selections that are felt best pair with the sommelier-like descriptions of the different zone’s aroma. The 100 hand bound, printed publication will be available for discovery in various beverage outlets in the mapped region (eg: cafés, small bars, tea houses), as a special invitation to interact with the surroundings in a different way. The choice to limit the availability to within beverage outlets allows for an introduction and conversation about the publication to be struck up, something which usually is not be able to be done in restaurants or other venues.
Measuring only 130mm x 70mm, the printed publication is presented as a notebook, to be taken with the user to the specified locations. By using the pre-cut pages of an existing notebook, along with a very spacious layout, the user is encouraged to add their marks to the page as a reflection of their experience (to capture their moment in time and place).
The raw cardboard cover wraps around the internal pages and is attached by a simple single stitch binding. A simple map appears on the inner cover with an overlay providing directions to the six chosen points. As a limited run, attention to detail is afforded, with each issue having its number punched into the front cover, with gold composition leaf being laid behind it.
Once installed, the mobile application launches as a simple blank screen with a ‘Start’ button. Once activated, the device can be pocketed, and headphones inserted. Through a combination of various location services within the phone, the application will be able to locate the user and fade up the relevant music when entering a specific point, at a specific time of day.

The music itself has been licenced, trimmed to a smaller length to allow looping and a reduced overall application size. The volume has been lowered to allow the bleeding in of ambient sound at each point,
remembering that the offerings being put forward to the user are to enhance their experience, not control it.
Photos by Tammy Law