Matthew Edward Loh's profile

Israel - The promise land

In March 2010, I visited the land of Israel, I travelled from Jordan passing the Red sea n to Israel. It was a breathtaking journey as bible comes alive as God revelation began to unfold as I journey on.
When I return in May 2010, I hold an exhibition on the land of Israel in my Shots café. Within a week, I got invited by the Ambassador of Israel to exhibit in her home for a special event. I was really blessed to be invited and to be present with officials, religious leaders from Singapore and Israel. 
The Tree of Life  - at the border of Isreal and Jordan
 Trinity Cloud  - At Mount Nebo, Moses saw the promise land and I saw a trinity of cloud hovering above me.
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
- Matthew 7:13
Dead Sea - Although name dead sea but the minerals in the sea bring life to our mortal skin.
Red Sea - God miracle of opening the red sea. The grace and mercy of almighty God.
The land flowing with milk and honey.
The valley of Elah - The battle ground of David and Goliath where God uses the weak to confine the mightly.
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Israel - The promise land

Israel - The promise land

God's Promise land. A land flowing with milk and honey.
