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Anachronism: An exploration of letterpress

The exhibtion hinges around the the japanese concept of Ichi-Go Ichi-E which is the thougt that every moment in time is unique and shoulf be enjoyed as such
However, even though each of these events is a unique moment in time they often have lasting repercussions, infleunces and echoes in subsequent events.This creates a unique traceable chain of influence evolution.
And as the chain of evolution progresses various events become locked in a temporal space and thus become anachronistic when put alongside their succesors. However just because the idea may have been replaced with a newer system or idea does not mean that the original system or idea does not still hold value. This can be seen quite clearly in letterpress that is now valued for its specific textural and tactile aesthetic.
Anachronism: An exploration of letterpress

Anachronism: An exploration of letterpress

Nothing can ever be said to be truly original. Everything is influenced by actions, ideas, or needs that have preceded it. Yet even though nothin Read More
