Paperworks is a division of my Scraps of Life series that focuses on reusing scrap materials from old projects to create new artworks. Each is a colorful multimedia collage, often incorporating paint, ink, and colored pencil, always bringing in scrap paper but occasionally using foil, plastic, and fabric. Most of these works also proudly display the recycling symbol somewhere in the composition.
"All My Fine Feathered Friends" draws inspiration from the fashion world, and incorporates stickers, beads, plastic, assorted scrap papers, and foam.
"All My Fine Feathers" draws inspiration from the fashion world, using plastic, board, assorted papers, foam, and a feather I kept lying in my scrap papers box for some reason.
"Feminine Wiles" uses clippings from a box of chocolates, foil, and scrap paper to form a colorful, organic composition that is overrun with sinuous, curvilinear lines.
"Heartbreak" is heavily layered with scrap paper, often attached together with a variety of adhesives including modge podge, masking tape, and Elmer's glue. The obscured text at top left is a note that I wrote to remind myself that I was doing the right thing during a breakup.
"Transition to Digital" was inspired by my thoughts on how fast technology moves, and the evolution of the film industry. Stickers, scrap paper, plastic, and a CD-rom were used in the composition.


Fine art exploration of abstraction, recycling, and a cleansing of scrap materials.
