Eliz Malaso's profile

Game Design Unit 2

Activity 1- Don't Worry Be Happy!
What is a Variable?
●     A variable in Actionscript allows you to store values that you will use in your program
●     Using variables makes it easier to keep track of data by referencing each thing stored
●     When the computer sees a variable name in the code, it looks in its memory and uses the value it finds there
●     A variable only refers to one value at any given time and is declared by typing "var"
Helpful Resources:
●     This website talks about the fundamentals of variables such as its limitations, how to declare it, and also how to access it
Actionscript Variables in Flash for Beginners
Activity 2 - Becoming a Scarlet Superstar
Turning an object into a Button Symbol
Select all the objects you want to turn into a symbol
Press F8 as a shortcut to turn an object into a symbol
The symbol can be found in the Library for later use
Game Design Unit 2