Hobbit To Me
The Hobbit is all about rich and atmospheric imagery. When looking at the stuff while communicating with eaglemoss.com I realised how much of a role nature plays in the backgrounds of almost all photos and drawings of stuff to do with The Hobbit and everything Lord Of The Rings.
I decided to see if applying different & simple alterations to this type of imagery would make a big difference.
We;re not talking Frodo standing inside a factory, but a simple shift from everything being in or beside a forest.
Take for example this image I found on Wikipedia, taken by Arbron.
I liked the idea of removing the colour completely (because its mostly green, its mostly natural)
so I did this.
Now this still has a country style feel because we can see (or make out) everything in the picture.
But what about shifting the focus to something that isn't present.
So how do you do that?
We've all seen (or have) t shirts with slogans or locations on them and I thought something that didn't quite fit in with the language of the Hobbit but still had some relation (we're looking at a Hobbit hole after all) would make sense.
I just this rather 'funky' looking font as it is completely removed from that gilded and royal like text you see on Hobbit posters. I could easily see it on a white tee, or as a mobile phone background.
Hobbit Hole

Hobbit Hole

How do you take something like The Hobbit and make it look un-natural? Go text heavy and make it groovy.


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