I love all sorts of rollercoasters and slides, especially water slides. So it was a question of time that I came up with the idea of building a real wild thing into a romantic landscape... 
The studio tests quickly led to the idea of using a beauty dish as a main light source, the additional light had do be reflected by a blus screen (in order to simulate the blue sky) and a red paper foreground (which creates the expectable red reflections)
The mountain is shot with a long lens of 200mm, so I had to cut it in pieces to have it create a view with a strong perspective. I did this shot in january 2014 and thought since that time of a great scene where I could use the massive rock.
The slide itself is a creation I realised in Cinema 4D. Also most of the textures were created here, then brought into a rich lighting done by a HDRI. That sort of embeds the slide into the landscape, creating the perfect reflections. 



Digital composing, using a 3D rendering
