Rebox is the culmination of extensive research into the psychology of anthropomorphism and emotional attachment, as it relates to product design.
Intended as a conseptual project, Rebox is a literal interpretation of a product life cycle. Beginnig with the unboxing of a phone, watch, or other personal object, that product is born. These products we use on a daily basis become a part of who we are. But inevitably, these things will all die (or become obsolete), and Rebox Caskets provide a way to pay the proper respects to the objects that we love.
Made from Mahogany, Walnut and Curly Maple, gold-leaf and brass details and satin interiors.
Rebox Caskets


Rebox Caskets

Rebox is the culmination of extensive research into the psychology of anthropomorphism and emotional attachment, as it relates to product design. Read More
