I decided to do a project based of the tutorial "Inspired by the gaming world"
Following are the steps I used to create this look.
I found a picture on the internet that I liked and would provide good color and contrast
Filter Menu
-Surface Blur
-Radius 15
-Threshold 15
Filter Menu
-Filter Gallery
-Grain Type- Vertical
-Intensity 11
-Contrast 43
Hit okay and go out of the menu
Filter Menu again
-Filter Gallery
-Poster Edges
-Thickness 5
-Intensity 0
-Posterizing 3
Hit Okay
Edit Menu
-Fade Gallery
-opacity 20%
hit okay
Then I used my magic wand tool and selected the girl in the image and made a duplicate layer. Brought up the Hue/Saturation for this layer and adjusted it to Hue-8, Saturation-4, Lightness +4. Then I duplicated the layer again and created a slight gradient behind her head with radial gradient tool with an opacity of 16%.
I added the text because I thought it made it almost look like an ad of some kind and I thought it looked cool, the type is at an opacity 47%, white with  blending mode at soft light, typeface used is Mistral at 99.67.
Finally I created a square box to create the frame, I set inside color to none and border to black with a scale of 6.
Chapter 3- Pick One

Chapter 3- Pick One

chapter 3- pick one


Creative Fields