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Starpack | Grow Your Own Culinary Herb Kit

Create a culinary herb kit that contains everything you need to grow herbs in your home. The pack should hold packs of seeds, pots, compost and growing instructions.
Generally for anyone who shows an interest in wanting to learn how to grow and use fresh herbs in the kitchen. But would primarily be targeted to novice gardeners, cooks/chefs so there isn’t a overwhelming pressure to ‘get it right’ the first time. 
In general, individuals contemplating on purchasing a herb kit show an interest in wanting to grow something from scratch. This also expresses a desire to use fresh ingredients, perhaps to avoid the expensive price tag as seen in supermarkets, or to simply try something new in their cooking.
With this in mind, individuals may not have green fingers so it’s important to make sure the kit is easy and straightforward to understand. Likewise, individuals may not have a garden so they shouldn’t be excluded from wanting to grow herbs.
Cooking and gardening both require a hands on approach. 
Create an indoor herb kit which combines elements of the garden and kitchen together to encourage people to grow and use herbs in their cooking.
The visual contrasts between the garden and kitchen - similar imagery and uses.
Herb kit branded as "Kitchen Herb Garden"
The kit is designed to sit indoors on a windowsill, preferably in the kitchen so it is present during cooking. 
The base of the box is crafted so individuals have the option to keep the box after its’ packaging life to grow their herbs. 3 holes are cut in the base box for the compost, pots, and seeds to be stored. The holes also allow for the plant pots provided to sit on top while being evenly spaced apart for the herbs to grow. Enabling the base to be used during growth or after as a display unit.
The lid holds the instruction booklets for the kit (one for how to grow herbs, and the other for how to use them in your cooking).
The sleeve holds the base and lid together to keep the kit in place and intact. It can be removed by sliding it off to the side or by unfastening it from the bottom.
Instruction booklets sit inside the lid of the packaging.
The plant pots sit inside the base, allowing the packaging to be kept during the growing period if desired.
For the purpose of the mock up, the carton board has been left white to show the structure of the packaging. The intention would be to have the water colour mark continue through the lid and base of the box with the imagery showing kitchen and gardening elements. 
Net of each component of the herb kit
There are 2 tubes which contain compost discs, and the seeds and labels. The tubes can be reused after their packaging life as storage containers for herbs etc. The seeds are packaged separately to help distinguish them from the other herbs.
Herb kit would have a drip tray at the bottom of the base
Herb seed packaging
I thought it was important to have instruction booklets that guided the user from growing the herbs to actually using them in their cooking. Instructions are spilt into 2 categories so the information is easy for individuals to digest. Growing information is found in the green marked booklet while cooking tips are found in the orange marked booklet. 
Growing book
Cooking book
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Starpack | Grow Your Own Culinary Herb Kit

Starpack | Grow Your Own Culinary Herb Kit

3rd year project: Starpack Students 2015 competition. The brief was to create a culinary herb kit which predominantly used carton board.
