【 CITIC BROTHERS 2015 】 Opening Animation

Motion Graphics
MixCode releases the opening animation of the new season for the CITIC Brothers. The disordered and wild strokes bring out the sense of speed and the explosive force of the baseball team. We excite the fans. We boost morale. We generate the power for the baseball team to achieve victory in the following competitions!
Client : CITIC Brothers Baseball
Producer : Plugin B&V
Director : MixCode Studio / 混合編碼工作室
Design : Plugin B&V , MixCode Studio / 混合編碼工作室
Art : MixCode Studio / 混合編碼工作室
Animator : Chiunyi.ko / 柯鈞譯 , TuBo Lee / 李孟栩 , Hou Jyun Lin / 林浩鈞
Animation Assistant: Mibo Lin / 林芷君
Music : Pongo / 彭郁哲
Vocal : Wang Wei Shohn / 王為翔
Mocap Actor : Terry Tank / 劉楷捷
【 CITIC BROTHERS 2015 】 Opening Animation

【 CITIC BROTHERS 2015 】 Opening Animation

MixCode再度出擊,為職棒中信兄弟象隊打造新一季賽事的開場動畫! 凌亂狂野的筆觸帶出球隊的爆發力與棒球的速度感, 要讓全場的球迷熱血沸騰,鼓舞球隊士氣,承此之勢於接下來的賽事中旗開得勝啊! MixCode releases the opening animation of the ne Read More


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