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Dylan Thomas Centenary Book Covers

The re-design of a series of books to celebrate the centenary of Dylan Thomas. 
Focused on highlighting to truly represent and remember Dylan Thomas. 
The use of black and white, strong silhouettes allows the reader to focus on the meaning behind each location and not the detail of the imagery. The odd splash of colour highlights key features to represent each location, aswell as links the series of books together.
'Selected Poems' - New York design
The city of New York represents where he began his career and also where he died.
'Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog' - Farmyard design
The farmyard represents a big part of Dylan's childhood as his Aunt kept a farm, which he would visit often.
'Under Milk Wood' - Seaside town design
Lastly, the seaside town represents the Welsh fishing town that was home to Dylan Thomas. It is also thought to be the inspiration for the fictional town 'Llareggub' in this book 'Under Milk Wood'.
Dylan Thomas Centenary Book Covers

Dylan Thomas Centenary Book Covers

These designs were part of an Orion design competition that I was part of, aimed at students to have the opportunity to use their work in a serie Read More
