Illustration of a photograph I took.
Wooden planks arranged in a peculiar way at a construction site.
Rotring pens, Micron Micro tip pens and pencils. 
Illustration of the same photograph using a completely different style.
I converted the plain planks into artifcats lying in a disturbed area.
Pelikan paints and rotring ink.
Using one word and Finding different representations and association.
The word I picked was QUEEN.
The first asssociation was the evil Queen of Hearts from 'Alice In Wonderland'.
This is my representation.
Poster paints and ink
The Queen from Snow White
Photo inks and a black ball pen.
The logo of the famous band, QUEEN.
Pencils and charcoal sticks.


Some of my illustrations from the past two years. None of them are digital . The mediums have been specified before each illustration.
